Transformers Prime Cyberverse Commander Nightwatch Optimus Prime Review


And it’s one of those “why does this exist?” kinds of repaints. It’s not the first time I’ve gotten one of these kinds of repaints and probably won’t be the last. I got Nightwatch Optimus in the same lot as the original Cyberverse Commander Optimus we looked at earlier.

Well, we’ve got Nightwatch Optimus… so let’s take a look at him in all his barely changed glory!

Vehicle mode

Optimus’s truck mode is barely changed. The only really noticeable difference is that his back end is now grey instead of blue. The other differences are that his shade of red is slightly different, his lights are painted yellow and some of his silver details are arranged differently.

For playability, all six of Optimus’s wheels roll well and you can stick weapons in all his available 3mm holes. But since Nightwatch Optimus comes with swords now instead of guns like the original, using them in truck mode looks kind of silly.


The transformation is unchanged and is exactly the same as the original use of this mold.


Optimus has more noticeable differences in robot mode compared to truck mode. For one, he now comes with a maskless face instead of a masked one like the original. Not much of a difference with mine, since I got the maskless variant.

Other differences are that his legs are painted nicer and he comes with two swords instead of two guns. Barely changed paint, a different head and different weapons… Nightwatch Optimus is basically an accessory pack isn’t he?

Posability is exactly the same as the original mold which mean that it’s unexpectedly great for the size.


Nightwatch Optimus Prime has the same gimmicks as the original Cyberverse Commander Optimus Prime. His clear plastic parts are still all there and the light piping all still works great.

However, he comes with two swords instead of two guns. That’s something different.


Nightwatch Optimus Prime is more collectible than toy. He’s actually even harder to find than the original Commander Optimus which is weird. He’s also slightly more expensive than the original which is even weirder.

Still, if you can get him for a decent price like I did, a kid would probably love him. It’s just for the price he usually goes for, I’d rather get them something else.


Yeah, Nightwatch Optimus almost shouldn’t exist. But he comes with a new head and different weapons so he probably exists and is sought after for his new parts.

Nightwatch Optimus isn’t bad because the original mold is pretty great but if you have the original there’s not much reason to get this guy. Unless you really want that head and those swords.

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