Knockoff KO Kids Logic Kids Nation Transformers G1 Optimus Prime Review

It’s done and they’re all here. But why…

Why do I feel so empty?It’s probably because Optimus is by far the worst of all of these Kids Logic KOs.

His arms look really weird because of the way they connect to the body. Megatron and Bumblebee suffer from the same problem a bit too because they’re all snap together kits but it looks much worse on Optimus. The other, much bigger problem is Optimus’s chest though.

Because he has the same BB pellet shooting gimmick in his chest as Bumblebee and Megatron, Optimus doesn’t have his normal chest windows. This really messes up the way Optimus looks.

Optimus is the worst of these snap together kits and I’m only keeping him to complete the set.